The Author of The Third Testament
Martinus lived in the country of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, who had the ability to make a fairy tale out of reality. One might say the opposite about Martinus; he made the “fairy tale” into reality. He transformed the eternal essence of the religions, the message of limitless love, into spiritual science.
Martinus was born in 1890 in Sindal, North Jutland, Denmark where he grew up with his foster parents on a small farm. He received no education apart from elementary schooling. His wish to become a school teacher could not be fulfilled because of poor economic circumstances. Instead, he became a farm hand, a dairy worker, a steward, a night watchman, a postman and an office clerk in Copenhagen.
The following are Martinus’ own words from the manuscript to the book, The Intellectualised Christianity:
“In my thirty-first year I experienced a spiritual process that led me to a cosmic mission. It was an evening in March 1921, and I was sitting in complete darkness in my room at Nørrebros Runddel in Copenhagen with my attention concentrated on God. It was while I was concentrating on God in this total darkness that I experienced, in an awake day-conscious cosmic vision, my divine calling, which was totally incomprehensible to me at that time. This calling was to use intuition to explain and manifest as cosmic science the “much” that Jesus could have told his disciples, but which neither they nor the official authorities of the time were evolved enough to understand.
The vision of Christ that I experienced was not a dream or a hallucination, but a fully awake, day-conscious, cosmic experience, and it contained a distinct declaration of a mission that I was to carry out. ... The very next morning, I felt that I had to meditate once again. After having made myself comfortable in my wicker-chair, which I now found to be charged with a form of powerful spiritual energy, I tied a towel over my eyes and found myself thus in complete darkness, but in an absolutely awake, day-conscious state. At once it was as if I saw into a semi-darkened sky over which a dark shadow was moving, leaving the sky brighter. This shadow passed over the sky several times, each time the sky becoming ever brighter until it was a blinding ocean of light, the color of purest gold, brighter than any other light in existence. It took the form of thousands of vibrating, vertical golden threads that totally filled the space. I found myself alone in the midst of this divine, living expanse of golden light, but without myself having any visible appearance whatsoever. I had no organism, just as all created things around me, my room, my furniture, indeed, the entire material world, had completely disappeared or were beyond the reach of my senses.
Despite the fact that the blinding golden light, with its vibrating radiant threads of gold, had absorbed into itself everything that is otherwise accessible to the senses or the experience of life, I could nevertheless through this dazzling golden light experience in a day-conscious way that I had a living existence beyond the physical world, beyond everything that would normally appear to be created phenomena. I was outside time and space. I was one with infinity and eternity. I was in the element of my immortal I, the immortal I that together with the immortal I’s of all living beings in existence is one with the I or eternal origin of the universe. I was one with what had been sought and worshipped, both consciously and unconsciously, by all the world’s cultures, religions, races and peoples since time immemorial – the eternal, almighty, all-wise and all-loving Godhead.”
© The quotations are copyright protected by Martinus Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Martinus and the main symbol. The year is 1955 and his work with the most important of the cosmic analyses in The Third Testament has been completed.