Through the Initiation of Darkness – Hell or Armageddon. © Martinus Institut
Other Symbols
- God and son of God are one (Symbol No. 11)
- God’s eternal method and technique of creation (Symbol No. 13)
- The evolution of cosmic consciousness (Symbol No. 4)
- “Go, and sin no more” (Symbol No. 20)
- Turning the other cheek (Symbol No. 23)
- “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” (Symbol No. 19)
- “In my Father’s house are many mansions” (Symbol No. 7)
- The cosmic journey through eternity and infinity (Symbol No. 14)
- The kingdom of the sphinx (Symbol No. 24)
- The united states of the world, “one shepherd and one flock” (Symbol No. 26)
“An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”: A Short Explanation of Symbol No. 19
The Bible has predicted a “time of tribulation” with “distress”, “fear”, “wars and rumours of wars” (Mat. 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, John 14-16). These words and many more, seem to be perfectly suitable to the times that we are living in. In these times the Bible’s message of love should, according to Christ, be explained: “the Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26).
This promised “Counsellor, the Holy Spirit” is therefore a conclusive, firm, scientific explanation of Jesus’ teachings about love. It is knowledge about the spiritual reality behind the physical world revealed to the modern, humane, intellectual human being – is Martinus’ work, The Third Testament this Counsellor? The row of orange and yellow rectangles at the bottom of the symbol show the process of reincarnation from one terrestrial life to another (orange), broken by stays in the spiritual worlds (yellow). In this case the being is receiving dark karma, symbolised by the large orange arc coming from the left and the sword through the heart (the organism). In this case the living being (the white triangle) is responding by using the sword i.e. the “principle of revenge”. It does not know that with this action it is binding itself to the zone of the culmination of darkness, where one is not so aware of the keynote of the universe, love (symbolised by the radiance behind the skeleton).
The dark part of karma is, however, not a punishment from God. Through darkness, terrestrial human beings learn to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate actions. Darkness is an initiation that renders terrestrial human beings able to feel compassion and humaneness and leads them to knowledge of God.
The sea of flames symbolises war, revolution, unrest, strikes, lockouts, political struggle, religious conflict, poverty, illness and distress. The volcano symbolises natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, floods and cyclones etc. and thereby also the state of suffering to which terrestrial human beings sometimes subject the microbeings in their own body.
Through one’s actions towards one’s own microcosmos one also creates effects in one’s fate that return through macrocosmos, and vice versa.
Not until one has been “defeated” a sufficient number of times will the truth behind the words of Jesus to “love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” begin to dawn. It is in the darkness that the light is born.